遊戲玩法 : 滑鼠 Mouse
遊戲說明 :Royal Warfare 榮譽戰場,是個即時戰略類型的TD守路遊戲,玩家要帶領一隊由武士、弓箭手及魔法師所組成的聯合防守部隊,對抗蜂擁而來的怪物殭屍等亡靈敵人,玩家要使用滑鼠圈選要調派的戰士,指定他們移動的目標,讓這些戰士能夠移動到有利的地點,攻擊來襲的亡靈部隊,調動遠程攻擊的弓箭手以及魔法師的火力,支援前方肉搏的戰士們。
如果遊戲變慢或不能開啟 請到kidbook的分流網站 : http://blog.kidbook.com.tw/game/article.asp?id=1038
Royal Warfare is a new real time squad defence game with swords, archery and magic. Train soldiers, combine troops, face numerous enemy waves and enjoy fierce battles. Unite scattered forces, upgrade your soldiers, create a well combined army and smash the undead forces.
- To select a single unit, just click it.
- Select several units by dragging a frame over an area.
- Press ESC to cancel selection.
- Select a group of soldiers. Press SHIFT+number or CTRL+number to assign a group. You can use numbers from 0 to 9.Press that number again to select that group.
- Double click a unit to select all similar units (e.g. warriors or mages)
- Hotkeys: Q to select Warriors, W – Archers, E – Mages, R – Priests, T – Thieves.
- Hold A on your keyboard and then click ground. Unit will attack any enemy it meets, and then proceed to a destination.
- Select a group of soldiers. Hold SHIFT on your keyboard and then click ground. Soldiers will move to the position and maintain their current formation.
-Press SPACE to pause game. You can issue orders to your troops while the game is paused.
- Press N to select next elite unit, that can be upgraded to tier 2.
- Hold CTRL and click unit to add it to a selection. Click again to remove.
- Press S to issue a Hold Ground order. X – form horizontal line, C – vertical line.
-Press F to use Arrows Strike (if avaliable).