Touch The Bubble 點泡泡

遊戲類型 : 反應遊戲 Qiuck Game

遊戲玩法 : 滑鼠 Mouse

遊戲說明 : Touch The Bubble 點泡泡,這個遊戲很簡單,泡泡會由四方湧來,只要用滑鼠指向畫面上出現的泡泡即可,你要在泡泡跑到螢幕外之前,先點到泡泡喔!

Touch The Bubble is quite a simple game. You have bubbles moving in 4 directions. You need to touch every bubble with your mouse, before it reaches the opposite end of the screen.


遊戲說明 : Touch The Bubble 點泡泡,這個遊戲很簡單,泡泡會由四方湧來,只要用滑鼠指向畫面上出現的泡泡即可,你要在泡泡跑到螢幕外之前,先點到泡泡喔! 被太多的泡泡碰到螢幕邊緣碎掉的話,遊戲可是會結束的,點到足夠數量的泡泡後,就可以進入下一關,你要盡可能的爭取進入更多的關卡,不同顏色的泡泡破掉的時候會發出不同的音效喔!

Description : Touch The Bubble is quite a simple game. You have bubbles moving in 4 directions. You need to touch every bubble with your mouse, before it reaches the opposite end of the screen. When you touch a bubble, it sounds on a certain tone, so when you touch many of them, you get a sort of melody. This could be a good anti-stress game if it wouldn't get so stressful after a couple of levels.


Just move your mouse to point the bubble.
