遊戲玩法 : 滑鼠 Mouse
遊戲說明 : 這是個很有趣的遊戲 玩家在每一關都有指定數量的黃金要發掘 玩家的體力有限所以要慎重的選擇挖掘的方向 有些地面會花去許多的體力 埋在地下的金礦有大有小 甚至會有寶箱可以發掘 當背包滿了的時候 玩家要回到地面商店將黃金卸下來同時也可以選購如炸藥之類的道具 以節省體力Flash Game California Gold Rush Description: Explore mines full of unexpected twists! On the hunt for gold, artifacts and gems take care to avoid collapses, cave bats and other dangers. Greedy? Find even more gold with store-bought supplies like maps, supports and explosives.

如果遊戲變慢或不能開啟 請到kidbook的分流網站 : http://blog.kidbook.com.tw/game/article.asp?id=556
Flash Game California Gold Rush Description: Explore mines full of unexpected twists! On the hunt for gold, artifacts and gems take care to avoid collapses, cave bats and other dangers. Greedy? Find even more gold with store-bought supplies like maps, supports and explosives.
California Gold Rush Game Instructions: Use the arrow keys or mouse to dig to a desired direction. Use equipment by selecting one from the list on the right and use it by clicking on it again.