Flash Element TD 元素防禦塔

遊戲類型 : 戰略遊戲 Strategic Game

遊戲玩法 : 滑鼠 Mouse

遊戲說明 : 跟城堡保衛戰一樣 畫面更精緻
魔法砲塔也有更多的改變 分成對地與對空 還有元素的作用

In this game you need to defend yourself from different enemies that attack you. You earn credits for every enemy that you kill and then you can buy additional weapons and towers to defend yourself.

遊戲說明 : Flash Element TD 元素防禦塔是個防類型的戰略遊戲 Strategic Game,遊戲的玩法使用滑鼠 Mouse進行遊戲, 跟城堡保衛戰一樣,但畫面更加的精緻,魔法砲塔也有更多的改變,分成對地與對空兩種的類型,還附加有元素傷害的作用。

Description : Flash Element TD is a tower defense games, very classic games. The game had been played over 140 million times as of March 2009. The aim of the game is to kill the creeps before they reach the end of the maze, Flash Element do this by building attacking towers on the grass around the maze.

To build click on the one you want to build on the right, then click on the map where you want it to be built. Once built you can click on them to upgrade or sell.

In this game you need to defend yourself from different enemies that attack you. You earn credits for every enemy that you kill and then you can buy additional weapons and towers to defend yourself.

All the towers that you buy have different abilities, damage, and ranges and can also be upgraded.
This one is really addicting, watch out...
