很漂亮的 Billiards 立體撞球

很遊戲類型 : 運動遊戲 Sport Game

遊戲玩法 : 滑鼠 Mouse

遊戲說明 : Billiards 立體撞球是個很優的撞球遊戲喔~ 很有臨場感,音樂也滿好聽的 ,玩法也很簡單, 這個遊戲可以選擇兩個人對抗或是單人對抗電腦兩種遊戲模式,開局之後,使用滑鼠移動就可以轉動球杆,將滑鼠指向你想要打擊的那顆球,球杆就會相對的移動到 你想要對準的角度,細緻的調整你要期望打擊在球的那個邊緣位置,然後按下滑鼠左鍵不放,球杆就會開始自動後退,球杆後退的距離越遠,打出去的球就越用力, 放開滑鼠左鍵,球杆就會把球打出去。

Billiards is a good game. Choose the 8-ball or Straight Pool game, pocket your balls, and win!

遊戲說明 : Billiards 立體撞球是個很優的撞球遊戲喔~ 很有臨場感,音樂也滿好聽的 ,玩法也很簡單, 這個遊戲可以選擇兩個人對抗或是單人對抗電腦兩種遊戲模式,開局之後,使用滑鼠移動就可以轉動球杆,將滑鼠指向你想要打擊的那顆球,球杆就會相對的移動到你想要對準的角度,細緻的調整你要期望打擊在球的那個邊緣位置,然後按下滑鼠左鍵不放,球杆就會開始自動後退,球杆後退的距離越遠,打出去的球就越用力,放開滑鼠左鍵,球杆就會把球打出去。

接下來就是要考驗你對於角度、反射或是力道的控制準確度,還要注意不要讓你的對手有可乘之機, 不要以為你的對手是電腦就以為很好對付喔! 這個遊戲幾乎跟真的在桌台上打撞球的感覺差不多,值得試試看喔!

Description : Billiards is a good game. Choose the 8-ball or Straight Pool game, pocket your balls, and win!

Came across a flash billiards game I hadn't seen before today. It's a quite easy game to play and is actually something a little like the Pocket 'Em All pool game on this site. The site is flash-games.net, I was looking at the billiards game.

You have the options of being able to play one or two player billiards games or you can play against the computer if you are playing on your own and would like a bit of a challenge.

The style of billiards cue shooting is not the easiest to use as you do not line up your mouse on the cue and see a line where the ball goes, instead the ball is shot where your mouse is. This is a reasonably frustrating way to shot the billiards balls especially because this site does not have a pointer or taget where your mouse is, it only has the standard mouse arrow to see where you are aiming the ball.  Generally this makes is hard to pin point and get a good shot happening.

If you're looking for a game which is more sophisticated you'd be better off playing something like the Play89 billiards network which offers a download billiards game as well but this is overall a good version of a fun little flash billiards game.

Hope you enjoy playing it as much as I did!

Controls :

Mouse = aim and shoot
